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Poesia em flor menor

Poetry book published in 2015 by the Brazilian publisher house Patuá. 

'Poesia bucólica


Te abracei num manto verde, quente, familiar...

Você me devolvia em ternura,

O que te dava em poesia...


O mundo era lindo,

Visto do balancinho que você me empurrava...


Aquela árvore de frente para nós,

Tão calma,

Não tinha pressa para nada,


Nós também não.'

A dialogue between poetry and philosophy:
An encounter of the writer with his reader.

A philosophical and poetical book published in 2016 by the international publisher house Atropos Press.

​'Hopefully you will come, meet these words and we both will keep on searching for new names – our names, your names, in the middle of our shared words – the dialogue between the words we gently call as ‘ours’ and the ones we denominate as the ‘words of others’

Why Hasn't Jb Already Disappeared

Jeremy Fernando's collaborative book published in 2017 by Singaporean publisher Delere Press


'So perhaps, this book is an imaginative response: a reading in fidelity to JB; not to the man -- nothing so banal -- nor even to his work; but a reading that opens itself to the possibility of the grin of the one who has already disappeared, to the shadow of his silent smile. The responses are composed of writings by Jeremy Fernando; alongside collaboration by many other writers and artists.'

Revista Triplov 

Revista Polen 

Collection of poems published in 2017 by Revista Triplo


Ela insinua palavras 

coberta de sonhos.

Ele sonha palavras, 

num diálogo mudo. 

Ninguém disse que seria fácil, 

o encontro se faz às avessas, 


ela muda as palavras, 


ele des-cobre sua graça. 

Collection of poems published in 2016 by Pólem. This magazine approaches images in relation to their poetics, opening a sensible dialogue between the photographical work of Joana Coutinho and the poetical work of 5 poets. 

'Fico te olhando por entre cinco janelas, 

Are you still beating in the same way?

As it was when I was walking through your streets, 

And you and I were almost one, 

You and I, my beloved city, 

Entrelaçadas - 

Emaranhadas por entre suas milhões de realidades... 

Em cada um dos seus cantos, 

Encantos mil - já cantaram antes de mim, 

Outros de seus milhões de poetas, 

Seus caminhos - milhões de cotidianos...'

Antologia Poética: Prêmio Poetize

Sixthly in the national Brazilian contest for “new poets”, published with other 249 poets in 2014 by the publisher house Vivara Editora Nacional. 

Flor do pensar 

Pensar... Ir contra o sentido, 

Pensar não é natural. 

Ideia libertina, 

Desejos noturnos... Amor.

Dos mitos lúgubres, sou da ordem dos sentidos.

Dicotomia pura, sour arte per se.

Perceba-se, insalubre desejo... 

Imaginação formal, na informalidade da vida. 

Uma flor nascida na bruta face da vida, 

Do concreto, sou irresolúvel. 

Do sujeito, sou meio sem jeito. 

Poética do espaço,

Nos cantos íntimos de nossas vidas, 

Sem saída,

Oposta ao gosto do sal, 

Do mal, 

Eu já não sou mais. 

A mais, 

Flor nascida da dor. 

QUARANZINE like a Lady

Anthology Poesys 21 

Cyphers is a short poetical text ending in a poem. First part and general atmosphere: in dialogue with Márcia Rostheuser's words. Poem: inspired by Gabriela Jardin's insights. 

Published in 2020 by Women Writing Berlin Lab 'QUARANZINE like a Lady'. 


'On a wide, wild field

Transforming what it is now into what will be tomorrow 

Beyond what eyes can see, hands can touch, noses can smell... 

Inside your inner garden... Who planted those beautiful trees?'

Anthology published in 2016 during the International Poetry Festival Curtea de Arges organised by the FUNDAŢIA ACADEMIA INTERNAŢIONALĂ ORIENT-OCCIDENT - Romania. 


'Toda poesia es materia de vida. 


Each eternity last no longer than a few seconds - 

He told me so, in the middle of our silence... 




Eternity living in a blink of an eye - 

My own eyes seeing what was not supposed to be seeing - 

Una simples cuestión del tiempo - Us' 

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